Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What I am Reading Right Now

Reading for pleasure keeps our minds sharp and entertained. Here is what is (or has been) on my night stand right know, excluding periodicals.

Recently finished books:
'Faith of My Fathers' Sen. John McCain
'No Country for Old Men' Cormac McCarthy
'The Road' Cormac McCarthy
'Beyond Valor' Patrick O'Donnell
'Abraham Lincoln' Time
'Zero' Masatake Okumiya

What I am working on right now:
'The New Testament' (Various)
'Fifty Places to Dive Before You Die' Chris Santella
'American Gospel' Jon Mecham
'Blood Meridian' Cormac McCarthy

So that is what I have been enjoying lately. Let me know what you have also been reading so I can get some ideas on what to read next in the next few weeks.


brenna said...

I most recently read "Midwives" for my book club. You maybe would like it, but I don't know. We'll have to talk about it and see

Amber said...

I've been reading Twilight. Maybe you should join me. We can talk about the story and how dreamy Edward is.

Colt said...

twilight is the demise to our society haha. Whats American Gospel about? I've been wanting to read "Brave New World" but haven't found the time.

Abraham said...

How is "Zero"? The Japanese author caught my eye.

Suz said...

I've been reading Inca Gold again by Clive Cussler...I wish I could write as well as he does.

I also just started The Bourne Identity. I was only researching writing style but have found it to be very 'I can't put it down'.

Chico said...

I like "The Complete Dog Book" by the American Kennel Club.

Dave said...

I don't think I am too interested in 'Midwives', or 'Twilight', no offense.

'American Gospel' is a treatise about faith and religious beliefs of our forefathers and how it has shaped our Country, Constitution, etc. I will let you know how it is when I get in to it a little deeper. I'll have to check out 'Brave New World".

'Zero' is by an early Japanese fighter pilot that survived the war. It is interesting to read about the war from the “enemy's” point of view, though his minimization of the China atrocities was unfortunate. I guess prejudices hang around even after the war is lost thirty years later (the book was written in the 70’s). I am almost finished with it, again, a pretty interesting read, and fairly well written.

‘Inca Gold’ is on my top ten fiction lists. Cussler is a very skilled author.

Dave said...

Chico, that is also one of our family favorites.