Sunday, May 17, 2009

Gettin' a New Boss, Huntsman Resigns

Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, right, gives his remarks accepting the nomination by President Barack Obama as the U.S. ambassador to China in the Diplomatic Room at the White House, Saturday, May 16, 2009, in Washington. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

About ten days ago the Obama administration sent a memo to the DNC. It stated that the only Republican that might beat Barack Obama in the next Presidential election would be Jon Huntsman, Jr. R-Utah Governor. I guess sending him to China kinda of gets him out of view of the national political scene. Don't agree, when was the last time you heard anything from the Ambassador of China, or do you even know who he is? Granted, there may be no one more qualified than Huntsman, but this definitely is going to impact the US politics for several years to come.

Interestedly enough, I will be receiving a new boss in regards to our health reform efforts. Hopefully, the new Governor will be as interested and supportive. Keep your fingers crossed. There will be a lot of political jockeying going on in Utah in the next few weeks as Governor contenders wrangle for support with the power brokers.


Erin said...

Wow! I hope it doesn't slow down your work. I am really hoping for something good to come from Utah before Barack gets his health care reform under way. Please beat him there!

brenna said...

I was sure surprised when I read this in the news the other day. It will be interesting to see how it changes things

Abraham said...

David Jackson for Governor 2010!!!

Colt said...

the conspiracy theorists have been sayin that hunstman was more of a threat to Gov. Perry (a Bilderberger and CFR member) who will be the "conservative answer" and the chosen candidate when everybody turns on Obama.

Dave said...

Abe, I had someone ask 'are you going to be the new Lt. Governor?' yesterday. I am not sure where this stuff is coming from. If they would like to ask me to the Lt. World Dive Travel Coordinator, I am in. The other doesn't interest me too much right now. ha ha