Saturday, May 2, 2009


So a man who has become a national figure in the past few years called me yesterday and said he heard this great quote by former Governor and HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt. He said I thought of you when I heard it and all of your efforts with health reform.

"There are three ways to deal with change;
Fight it and die.
Accept it and survive.
Or lead it, and prosper."
Michael O. Leavitt

I thought this is one of the nicest compliments of my career.


Suz said...

That is a great compliment! It doesn't surprise me though. You have given me reason to be in awe for the last 27 years.

Erin said...

Wow! That means a lot that he would spend the time to call you as well. I am so excited to see your ideas get implemented.

brenna said...

Wow that is great! Who said it?

Colt said...

thats really awesome! cool quote as well.