Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are You an Idoler??

I have to confess that I am an American Idol fan. This is hard to admit and I know I may be judged harshly for it. It might even tarnish my rugged reputation. But, they say that one the steps on the road to recovery is admitting your addiction, ---so with tonight being the last night of auditions, I confess freely and openly that I will spend many, many hours, over the course of the next many weeks, watching the drama unfold, enjoying every minute of it, to see who is the next American Idol!


brenna said...

I also became a very reluctant fan last year out of necessity due to the family's intense love of the show. I have to admit, now, I'm pretty hooked...

Bob said...

So you're out of the closet? I think you are not alone.

Suz said...

I started watching reluctantly the year Jordan Sparks won, I think, and surprised myself by loving it.

Now it is the highlight of my week during Idol season.