'Sola Virtus Invicta' is on a large tapestry that hangs in our home and on the sub-heading of my blog. In my mind, not sure about Bob's, this is our unofficial family motto. I know it is how I have 'chosen' (aspire to) live my life and I hope all of my other family members chose to do the same.
So brush up on your Latin and let me know if agree with my thoughts on this. Should we make it 'official'. Am I a Mad Man for wanting a 'motto'?
I would also be interested to know your thoughts on this or if you have any alternative ideas about this.
I always wondered how people got a family motto. I never thought about actually choosing one before so I haven't much to say except I think that is a very nice one and is fitting of our family, I hope.
I like the motto, any ideas of the origins? Does it come from some other well known family?
I think it is nice. I don't see a problem with a family motto.
I'm not sure if I'm a voting member of the Jackson Family Motto Committee, but I'll just throw out this alternative suggestion for a motto:
"Yes We Can!"
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